Monday, November 10, 2008

How birdish is it?

The whole idea behind this blog is inspired by Mark. I can't really tell who is Mark , or how much he affected me, not now anyway. But I am sure I will get back to that in the near future for many reasons.

I had a blog before , like couple of years ago , I posted three posts , and that is it . I never opened it again. I got busy maybe , or I lost enthusiasm because I didn't find feedback , the idea that Mark-again !- changed , because if you don't have comments that doesn't mean that people aren't reading.- in spite of I managed to have a visitors counter in my first blog and I really noticed that it was only me who is visiting it ;), but what the hell!! it is a totally different perspective now !

I add to that , it is not a big deal if people don't read my blog. The joy is in writing , exposing one's feelings and self-reflection !

It shows in the Blog's name that it is kind of personal. will I keep it personal? too personal? light personal? it doesn't matter. what matters that it is personal. The previous one was a pathetic try to imitate famous egyptian bloggers. Maybe now I know the reason why I didn't continue! becaue It wasn't reflecting the real me. I hope this one will ! I will go with the flow and see what happens. I just hope I will stay persistent and break the "3-posts-limit" of my last blog.

oh yeah one last thing, Birdish is because I've always perceived myself a bird. An imprisoned one basically. my mind always refers to this picture when the word bird is said: a white tiny bird with wings wide open, locked in a cage that doesn't fit the width of " his "wing. Something close to this. Although birds for me mean freedom , strange how I am perceiving it. I used "his" because bird to me is usually a male bird. even when I am perceiving myself as a bird, it is always a male bird (!!!!). maybe because the word in English has one word for both females and males, while in Arabic we have two. I don't know ! and I don't care !

Reflections, is a great word. I've always thought that the person who reflects how he really feels and thinks and can express that out loud , or even face himself with that ,is having a healthy psychological life. So this blog is basically my try to reflect. sometimes I really think that my life is a continuous try to reflect. which I rarely managed to do the right way.


Rima Q. said...

Maha,, this is amazing,, Yes Mark had inspired all of us...
Please Go on Maha... don't stop here..

Ahmed Zidan said...

Good evening Maha,

Nice blog, good title choice, and very good start.

You have it all; confidence, culture, thoughts, and above all "being exactly you."

One must, as you said, keep his/ her virtue dimensions only to fit him/herself, and only Self.

And yes, no matter who reads or who comments because appreciation and recognition doesn't come easily especially through these days of fierce blogging competition; only quality survives, so try to be yourself, you'll have very unique selfprint; this is your quality.
Try to show persistence, and consistence of thoughts, which I'm sure you have them; you'll outreach any intimitator.

Finally, I agree and endorse your claim that exposing one's thoughts keep very balanced psychological and even physiological life, and I've not become what I'm today, except when I exposed myself totally, nevertheless anyone else, and reflected myself perfectly on my own Mirror, namely and plainly.

Just be yourself!

A. Zidan

Cairene said...

am so happy and proud of you:)and it's true, sometimes we just forget and loose enthusiasm to update our blogs (i had 2) one that was me when I wasn't the one I am now, and another secret one that I didn't update no more, well in short keep reading blogs other people's blogs it inspires you and will make u always wanting to update this e-page that reflects who you are..or parts of it:) yalla I wanna see you through on this page;) xxx

Cairene said...

ah btw am Engy Ghozlan hehe! Enyita is the name I used in my blog;)

m said...

sweet Rima ! thank you so much 4 ur encouragement ;)

m said...

Ahmed ! begad merci awi 3ala ur care ! i am looking up to you ya fandem :)) you inspire me a lot , keep the good work !

m said...

Engyyyy ! hun hun ! thx a lot 4 ur advice :)) and hey ! i checked out ur blog ! it is really great ! you have to continue blogging !

Unknown said...

سألتنى: هل تحلم بأن تكون يوما ما شاعرا مشهورا ؟
- الشهرة ليست مقياسا لنجاح الاديب .. هناك ادباء مشهورون بلا قيمة, و ادباء عظام لا يعرفهم الناس .
- لماذا تكتب اذن ؟
- اكتب لان لدى ما يجب ان اقوله .. و ما يهمنى ليس الشهرة, و انما التقدير .. ان يصل ما اكتبه الى عدد من الناس, حتى لوكان قليلا, فيغير افكارهم و احاسيسهم .
- كنت احلم منذ الطفولة بان التقى شاعرا حقيقيا
- ها هو امامك

شيكاغو - علاء الاسوانى

m said...

Ahmed , Thank you for sharing this ! I can't guss who you are ! help?

Unknown said...

I enjoy your thoughts Maha, they are genuine and that matters the most though I might disagree with some of your opinions ..point keep blogging !!